RBF Networks
- The distance neuron
- hyperspherical classifiers
- spherical (radial) vs. ellipsoidal
- hard vs. soft neurons
- Gaussian activation functions
- Unsupervised training of a distance neuron
- simple k-means clustering (LGB)
- EM algorithms
- The RBF network
- Architecture
- feedforward with a single hidden layer
- soft distance neurons in hidden layer
- linear perceptrons in output layer
- Universal approximation
- Comparison of MLP and RBF
- local vs. global decisions
- misdetection vs. false alarm
- Training the RBF network
- Backprop training
- 2-step training
- The Best-of-all-possible-worlds network
- Augmented perceptrons
- Classification regions
- Use in MLPs
- The RCE network
- Hard distance neurons
- Training the RCE network
- Perform unsupervised k-means clustering for the Iris or
Peterson Barney data (whichever you used for the BP assignment).
- Using the results of the previous exercise train the second layer
of an RBF using the PLA (coded in assignment 3).
- Compare the generalization of the RBF with that of the MLP.
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