Neural Networks
Instructor: Prof. Jonathan Stein
Office: FM208 (1/2 hour before class or by appointment)
email: Jonathan (Y) Stein
Official text: S. Haykin
Neural Networks, A Comprehensive Foundation
(not really the ideal text for this course)
Course Policy
Lectures and Assignments
(click for outline)
- The Biological Neuron and Simple Models
- The Perceptron As a Classifier
- The Perceptron Learning Algorithm
- Weight Space and the PLA Criterion
- Soft Neurons and the LMS Algorithm
- Capabilities of Multilayer Perceptrons
- Hopfield Feedback Networks
- Training Multilayer Perceptrons
- Beyond Vanilla BP
- Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks
- SOFM, VQ and LVQ
- Optimization Algorithms
