CS662 Advanced Artifical Intelligence
Instructor: Prof. Jonathan Stein
Office: FM208 (1/2 hour before class or by appointment)
email:Jonathan (Y) Stein
Class Text: Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach (Russell and Norvig)
(sorry no outlines presently available)
- Part I - Games
- Why play games? Mathematical game theory. History.
- Game heuristics. Exhaustive enumeration and Minimax. DFS methods.
- Alpha-beta pruning. Conspiracy numbers. Examples (including soccer).
- Learning in games. Chess and Deep Thought. Learning decision trees.
Learning concepts.
- Reinforcement learning. TD(lambda). Backgammon and neural networks.
- Part II - Natural Language Processing
- Why use NLP? NLP vs. database access. Simplistic solutions and Eliza.
- Chomsky hierarchy of grammars. Morphology. Regular grammars and finite state machines. PROLOG implementation.
- Syntax. Context free grammars. Brute force PROLOG implementation.
Definite clause grammars. DCGs with arguments. ATN.
- Semantics. Combined speech and language recognition.
- Part III - Computer vision
- Applications of CV. Image types. Early vision.
- Filters. Histograms.
- Morphological operations.
- Binary images. Chain coding. Hough transform.
- Shape from X. (X=contour, texture, shading, stereo, motion).
- Interpretation of line drawings.