CS661 Artifical Intelligence
Lecture 3 - Intelligent Agents and blind search
- Agent (RN s3.1)
- exists in an environment
- inputs are sensor perceptions (of environment)
- output are actions (on environment)
- may be (non)deterministic, may have memory, may be conscious
- Rational agents strive to maximize performance
- simplest rational agent - lookup table
- lookup tables explode fast, are not autonomous, hard to hand craft, not conscious?
- What are environments like?
- accessible?
- deterministic?
- discrete time?
- episodic?
- static?
- How do agents work?
sense environment (input)
update internal state
decide on action
perform action (output)
Use environment simulator to develop and test agents
update environment (outside influences)
for each agent
sense; update state; decision; action;
Types of agents
- Reflex agent: no internal state (memory)
- input; decide; act (e.g. LUT);
- Goal based agent
- Utility based agent
- goal and cost function (try for best goal state)
- cost function may be goal state cost or whole path cost (e.g. additive)
Constraint satisfaction problems
- Problem = initial state, operator (set of successor states), goal test, cost function
- Solution = sequence of states from initial state to goal state
- Examples
- Puzzles: 8 queens, 15 problem, Rubic's cube, missionaries+cannibals, cryptarithmetic
- Games: chess, checkers, sheshbesh, number game, tictactoe
- NP complete problems: Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), map coloring, etc.
- Robotic problems: motion, navigation, ALIFE
- Industrial problems: VLSI placing, routing, division
- Misc. AI: theorem provers, expert systems
Search problems
Difference between search and planning
Review of Graph Theory
- digraph, tree, node, root, leaf, depth, fringe
- expanding a state means generating all daughter states
Relation between searching and trees
- forward chaining vs. backwards chaining
- dead-ends and backtracking (Prolog)
Basic search procedure
if no expandable leaf - fail;
choose a leaf;
goal test:
if succeed
then return solution
else expand leaf
To choose means employing a strategy
- completeness
- optimality
- time complexity
- memory complexity
Blind (uninformed) search
- breadth first
- depth first
- depth limited
- iterative deepening
- bidirectional (if invertible)
Informed (heuristic) search with state cost (or constraint satisfaction)
- gradient descent (GD)
- GD with restarts
- GD with pocket
- Downhill Simplex
- Simulated annealing
Informed search with path cost (assume only have real cost after expansion)
- how to find
- admissable (less cost than real)
- best first - greedy heuristics (neither complete nor optimal)
- A* and variants