CS661 Artifical Intelligence
Lecture 11 - Natural Language Processing
- Layers
- acoustics and graphics
- ASR + OCR state of the art
- telephone quality speech, LPC model vs cochlea model
- continuous speech - no word boundaries, DTW, badaga experiment
- handwriting
- syntax (see PROLOG example below)
- semantics
- The man cried fire the gun maker.
- pragmatics
- How do you wreck a nice beach?
- syntax parsing in PROLOG
- sentence([the,boy,eats,an,apple]). yes
- sentence(S) :- append(N,V,S), subject_phrase(N), intransitive_verb_phrase(V).
- sentence(S) :- append3(N,V,O,S), subject_phrase(N), transitive_verb_phrase(V), object_phrase(O).
- subject_phrase(N) :- noun(N).
- subject_phrase(P) :- append(A,N,P), article(A), noun(N).
- subject_phrase(P) :- append3(A,D,N,P), article(A), adjective(D), noun(N).
- subject_phrase(P) := pronoun(P).
- intransitive_verb_phrase(V) := intransitive_verb(V).
- intransitive_verb_phrase(P) :- append(A,V,P), adverb(A), intransitive_verb(V).
- noun([apple]).
- noun([banana]).
- extensions - tenses, plurals, conjugation
- there are very good such systems today
- disambiguization - eg. pronoun reference problem
- automatic translation interlingua, translating telephone - Janus
- call routing and database query (Al Gorin) no separation of acoustic layer
- automatic acquisition of language (Tishby and Pereira)