/* maxnet */
#include (stdio.h)
#include (stdlib.h)

float ft(float x) {
#define s 1.05
float y;
     if (x < 0) return 0 ; else {
	  y = s * x ;
	  if (y < 1) return y ; else return 1.0 ;

#define nunits 10
#define epsilon 0.001
float units[nunits], psp[nunits], e, resid ;
int i, j ;

void main(void) {
     randomize() ;
     /* initialize first unit to maximum */
     units[0] = 0.95 ;
     for (i=1; i < nunits; i++) units[i] = 0.9 * random(RAND_MAX)/RAND_MAX;
     for (i=0; i < nunits; i++) printf ( "%5.3f ", units[i] ) ; printf ("\n" ) ;
     e = 1 / (nunits+0.0) ;

     /* main loop */
     do {
 	 for (i=0; i < nunits; i++) {
	     psp[i] = 0 ;
	     for (j=0;j < nunits;j++)
	       if (j==i)
		   psp[i] += units[j] ;
		   psp[i] -= e * units[j] ;
	 for (i=0; i < nunits; i++) units[i] = ft(psp[i]) ;
	 for (i=0; i < nunits; i++) printf ( "%5.3f ", units[i] ) ; printf ("\n" ) ;
	 for (resid=0.0,i=1; i < nunits; i++) resid += units[i] ;
     } while (resid>epsilon) ;

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